April 1, 2018
When To Hire A Math Tutor In Portland
A Math Tutor: Is it the right time to hire one?
The mere word math is frightening to many students. However, tutors can rapidly bring students to heightened math confidence. (And heightened grades!)
It’s A Good Idea To Hire A Math Tutor When Your Child Is Either Struggling With Math (B- or C) Or Doesn’t Enjoy It.
First and Foremost: Grades.
If your child has a C or lower in math, a tutor might sound like a good idea. If you want your child to get straight As, a tutor might sound even better! Tutors can help students achieve their academic goals, no matter what they’re aiming for. Maybe there is a specific university they’re thinking about? Or a scholarship? Know where you and your child think their grades should be and call a tutor to decide how to get there.
Has Your Child Lost Interest In Math?
One sign that you might need to hire a tutor is if your child has lost interest for math. If your child used to love math, and now doesn’t—a tutor might be able to help.
If your child is losing interest in math, that’s a signal: something’s wrong. Most likely, they aren’t fully understanding the material.
Get A Math Tutor Quickly
It’s important, when it comes to any subject, to get a tutor early on. But it’s even more important with math. In math, more-so than any other subject, the content of the courses are linear (you must know the previous material in order to understand what is built on top of that material).
You always have to act especially quickly if you sense that your child is losing confidence in math. Confidence is critical to learning math. You need it. A tutor can always help restore a child’s confidence.
Is Hiring A Tutor Worth The Money?
I think it depends on where your child is—where you want them to be—and your financial situation. Hiring a tutor can be an incredible idea if you want to see better grades, on-time graduation, and success for your child.
This article explores tutoring—and whether or not it is worth the cost.
What Qualities To Look For In A Tutor
I think, when it comes to tutoring, likability is a really important factor. It’s important than your child like his tutor. A tutor must win a child’s trust. They should be knowledgable in their field. A tutor should be a strong communicator who has a passion for tutoring and seeing academic improvements in their tutee.
I’m a bit biased, but I’ve hand-selected our tutors—and I think they’re incredible.
— Eric Earle