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October 22, 2023

How to Find the Base, Height, and Area of Triangles (Right, Acute, or Obtuse!)

Why can’t triangles all be the same? It’d be nice if isosceles, equilateral, acute, and obtuse triangles followed the same rules as right triangles, but unfortunately they do not. Don’t let the goofy shape names confuse you, every type of triangle has a simple formula for finding area, base, and height. Perhaps the easiest way to approach these formulae is to start with the most basic triangle form: The Right Triangle.

Right Triangles

A right triangle is characterized as having one 90° angle, a base, height, and hypotenuse. The base and height are the two adjacent sides to the right angle. The hypotenuse is the side opposite the right angle and is the longest of the three.

Finding the Area of a Right Triangle

In geometry, we often need to find the area of a triangle. We can only find the area of the triangle when we know two of the side lengths. It’s easiest to calculate the area when we know the length of the base and height. If we have this information, we can use the following equation to determine the area:

A = ½ base × height

Let’s use this formula to find the area of the triangle below:

A = ½ base × height
A = ½ (6 × 7)
A = ½ (54)
A = 27

Simple enough, right? However, in geometry we’re not always given both the base and height measurements. In this case, we have to take a few more steps to solving for the area of a right triangle. So, let’s go through the process of determining the base and height of a right triangle so we can perform the formula A = ½ base × height.

Finding the Base & Height Using The Pythagorean Theorem

We use the pythagorean theorem to determine the side lengths of a right triangle. The equation goes as follows:

a ² + b ² = c ²

Variables a and b represent the base and height of the triangle and variable c represents the hypotenuse. In this example, the shorter lengths of the triangle (the base and height) are on the left side of the equation whereas the longest side (the hypotenuse) is on the right side. 

Let’s use the pythagorean theorem to solve for the base of the triangle below:

a ² + b ² = c ²
a ² + (12) ² = (15) ²
a ² + 144 = 225
a ² = 225 144
a ² = 225 144
a ² = 81
a = √81
a = 9

The base length of this triangle is the integer 9. Since all the side lengths of this triangle are integers (whole numbers with no decimals points) this combination of numbers qualifies as a pythagorean triple. Common examples of pythagorean triples are 3:4:5 , 6:8:10 , 9:12:15 , and 8:15:17. 

Most combinations of side lengths do not result in all numbers being integers, however. Because the pythagorean theorem deals with square roots, one of the side lengths will usually be rounded to the hundredth decimal.

Let’s find the missing height of a triangle that doesn’t result in a integer:

a ² + b ² = c ²
(7) ² + b ² = (13) ²
49 + b ² = 169

b ² = 169 49
b ² = 169 49
b ² = 120
b = 120
b  = 10.95

Now that we know the height of the triangle, let’s solve for the area:

A = ½ base × height
A = ½
(7 × 10.95)
A = ½ (7 × 10.95)
A = ½ (7 × 6.65)
A = 38.32

It’s as easy as that!

Using Area to Determine the Base and Height

How can you determine the base and height of a right triangle when you only know the area and one side length? You can’t use the pythagorean theorem because that requires two side lengths. Instead, you can rearrange the area formula to solve for the missing side length:

A = ½ base × height
2 × A = (½ base × height) ×2
2A = base × height
2A/base = height or 2A/height = base

Let’s use the above formula to solve for the height of the triangle below:

Let’s use the same formula to solve for the base of this triangle:

Finding the Area of an Acute Triangle

There are two ways to determine the area of triangles without a 90° angle. The formula you use depends on what type of triangle we’re working with. If we’re looking to find the area of an acute triangle, we will have to implement one of these three sine formulas:

½ ab sin(c) = Area
½ ab sin(a) = Area
½ ab sin(b) = Area

In order to determine the area of an acute triangle, we must know two side lengths and the angle measurement opposite of the third side. The formula we use depends on which combination of sides and angles we know. In the triangle below, we know side lengths a and b. We also know the measure of angle c. Because of this, we can use the formula ½ ab sin(c) to determine the area of this triangle:

½ ab sin(c) = A
½ (25 × 22) sin(40°) = A
(25 × 22) sin(40°) = A
(550) × 0.64 = A
275 × 0.64 = A
176 = A

Finding the Area of an Obtuse Angle

Finding the area of an obtuse triangle requires a different method. Instead of using the sine function right away, we will create a right angle by forming a straight line that extends out from both points C and A. The point at which these two lines intersect forms a right angle. Let’s label the new triangle DEF. For both of these triangles, the uppercase letters represent angles. The lowercase version of each letter represents the corresponding side length to each angle:

We can find the area of an obtuse triangle by creating an altitude line. The altitude of triangle ABC was created by forming the line labeled h (height). Since ACD is a right triangle, we can find it’s area with the equation A = ½ base × height. We can also determine the area of the larger triangle ABD using this equation. To find the area of obtuse triangle ABC, we must then subtract the area of ACD from ABD:
Area of ABC = Area of ABD – Area of ACD

Depending on the given information, we can use geometric proofs and perform sine formulas and to solve for the missing side lengths. Once we have enough information to find the areas of triangle ABD and triangle ACD, we can use subtraction to find the area of triangle ABC.

Solving for Area Using Multi-Step Formulas

Let’s apply the numerous methods we’ve learned about determining area to obtuse triangle DEF:

The first step to finding the area is solving for the missing lengths. You can determine the base length of the smaller right triangle by subtracting 28–20=8. To figure out the height of this triangle we must use the pythagorean theorem:

8 ² + (height) ² = 172
64 + (height) ² = 289
(height) ² = 289 – 64
(height) ²
= 289 – 64
(height) ²
= 225
(height) = 225
= 15

As you can see, this right triangle is a quadratic triple as all it’s measurements are integers. Let’s use the height and base to find the area of this right triangle:

A = ½ base × height
A = ½
(8 × 15)
A = ½ (120)
A = 60

Now let’s find the area of the larger right triangle:

A = ½ (15 × 28)
A = ½ (15 × 28)
A = ½ (420)
A = 210

Finally, let’s subtract the two areas to find the area of triangle DEF:

Area of DEF = 210 – 60
Area of DEF = 210 – 60
Area of DEF = 150

If you’re still having a hard time grasping triangle areas, heights, and bases, don’t feel defeated. Tutor Portland is here to the rescue! At Tutor Portland, we specialize in finding tutors that will give you the extra help and assistance you need to keep up with your coursework and kick butt at your next test. Whether you need in-home or virtual assistance, we’ll find the perfect tutor to suit your academic needs and help you master concepts like finding the areas of triangles. Sign up today for your free intro session!

July 23, 2021

How To Find A Statistics Tutor

“As with almost anything, you benefit most by being taught by someone who has a solid knowledge of the fundamentals, has real world experience in the area, and has the ability to communicate effectively.” 
― Ron Glaser, P.H.D., retired US Government statistician and retired UC Davis Statistics Professor, on finding the right statistics tutor.

If you are looking for a statistics tutor, there is a good probability you are looking at a math syllabus full of unusual words: biostatistics, linear models, regression analysis, data mining, survey sampling—that kind of thing.

Statistics isn’t like algebra or geometry, it’s a whole other animal. Even calculus professors can be lousy when it comes to statistics. And if you need help, you may find your math tutor doesn’t make the best statistics teacher either. So, where do you find the elusive statistics pro? Craigslist? The local college career office? Is there a young, fun descendant of the Father of Modern Statistics Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher living in Portland?

If you actively seek out a statistics specialist, there’s a ninety-nine percent chance you will find what you’re looking for. But if you want a 100% guarantee, here’s what you need to do…

Where to Find a Statistics Tutor

If you sense you need help in statistics, you are already ahead of the curve. Many struggling students can be too stubborn to get help and end up tanking their grade point average by attempting to take on statistics on their own. If they pursue a career that uses statistics, such as sales or computer programming, they might be at a loss, frantically searching the internet for a review course. But it doesn’t have to be that way!

It’s important for anyone seeking a career that involves statistics to find a statistics tutor with a well-rounded understanding of both statistical computations and how it relates to a career in data science or statistics. The best place to find private statistics tutors is online. Don’t be overwhelmed with all the tutoring websites out there because there are ways to trim the fat and find the perfect fit.

Look for websites that have been around for a while, have helpful contact information, and use official email addresses or phone lines (as opposed to tutors’ personal contact information, which can be a sign of inexperience as a business). Another trait of a trustworthy tutoring site is a review section where users can provide feedback on their tutoring experience. This way you can validate a good reputation within your local tutoring community.

What Qualifications Should Your Tutor Have?

According to Ron Glaser, a retired Lawrence Livermore Lab statistician and university statistics professor, it’s ideal to find a tutor who has a degree in math or statistics, or a college student with marked success in statistics coursework. Glaser would not recommend engineers or scientists who have not had formal statistics training as tutors, because they tend to bluff on knowing lessons students need, but don’t actually know themselves. 

You will need someone who can prepare you for college-level coursework in statistics, which translates to someone who has at least a B.S. in statistics or a closely-related field, such as biostatistics, applied mathematics, or computer science. If you are searching on the Internet, think grad student. If a tutor is actively working toward a Masters or PhD in statistics, they will have the necessary experience to teach course material and apply it to everyday life.

However, having academic experience isn’t always enough. Consider finding someone who has experience applying statistics in the workforce or has experience teaching or tutoring. The combination of education and experience in the field will be your best bet for a statistics tutor.

To take the search one step further, here is a checklist for just some of the key elements we look for when hiring statistics tutors at Tutor Portland

  • Can this tutor explain tough concepts in five different ways?
  • Can this tutor use metaphors that relate to the student’s life?
  • Can this tutor adopt an active approach with in-depth discussions about statistics?
  • Does this tutor embody integrity and virtue? 
  • Can this tutor effectively teach us, the Tutor Portland team, before we hire them?

How much does a good statistics tutor cost and how to ask?

Okay, so you found yourself a qualified tutor named Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher Jr. and he’s fabulous, but you need to know how much he charges per hour. Here’s a statistic for you: The cost of living in Portland is 29 percent higher than the national average. On a college student’s salary of $21,000 per year, with a meal card from the folks, can you afford a tutor?

Here’s the rundown on the costs: 

At Tutor Portland, for instance, we offer online and in-home tutoring backed by a Better Grades Guarantee for our Portland peeps with different budgets. Let’s say you need a statistics tutor for your coursework at Portland State University. We charge $96 per hour for our Silver Plan academic coaching or $384 monthly for one hour per week. Your hours never expire, rolling over to future months, and the more hours you book, the more discounts you receive. 

If you decide to hire an independent tutor without such payment models, you should consider asking their rates upfront. The more education, work experience, and overall skills the tutor has, the higher the rates may be. And don’t be shy— after all, statistics tutors are used to talking numbers.

How to Get the Most out of a Tutoring Session

It’s all about your personal needs. So the key to maximize your time with a tutor is to study between sessions. By being observant (and hopefully excited) about how statistics play out in the news, in school, in work-life, and at home, you will be mastering the subject in a meaningful way. Then when you meet with your tutor to review the lessons, you can have a deeper understanding of the course material in less time.

Now that You’ve Aced Statistics …  

If statistics clicks with your brain after a tutoring course, you may even choose it as a career. Among the industries that hire statisticians, the median wages range from $70,000 to more than $100,000 per year.  Statisticians are in high demand, and according to Northeastern University, employment for mathematicians and statisticians is expected to grow 30 percent from 2018 to 2028.

Now that you found your tutor who is qualified, affordable, and can get you ahead in your statistics class, what’s next? Maybe another class! TutorPortland offers tutoring in test prep, science, Spanish, and English, so contact us if you’re looking for some extra help.

May 4, 2021

The Most Amazing Scientists from Portland, Oregon

In our rapidly advancing world, the need for scientists of all fields is increasing every day. Scientists all over the world do amazing, world changing work in the hopes of improving and advancing our planet and our futures. Everyone from microbiologists and chemists, to data scientists and astrophysicists are questioning the world around them to provide a better future.

As the need for scientists grows, our need for people to fulfil those roles grows also. With so many careers opening up in STEM (Science, Technology, English, and Mathematics), parents encourage their children to pursue careers that could one day change the world. Getting a tutor to help aid children and push their skills to the next level could make the difference. Getting into better schools and better jobs is something all parents want for their children, and a science tutor in Portland is a great way to make that happen.

To show what a difference scientists make in our world, we’ve put together a list of famous, world-changing scientists that have come from the local Portland area.

Sheperd S. Doeleman

Arguably one of the biggest scientists in the world of astrophysics, Sheperd S. Doeleman has made a name for himself and his hometown, Portland. Named as one of Time magazine’s 100 Most Influential People of 2019, Doeleman’s popularity has blown up in recent years for his work on super massive black holes. The multi-award winning scientist got his PHD from MIT in 1995. Since then has grown in leaps and bounds, becoming a senior research fellow at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and being a founding director of the Event Horizon Telescope project.

As his work in black holes progressed, Doeleman became an important figure in astrophysics and eventually went on to lead the international team of researchers that produced the first directly observed image of a black hole. From the local streets of Portland, to snapping a photo of a black hole, Doeleman has become a true leader in his field and a role model for any budding stargazers.

Roberta Rudnick

Instead of looking off into space, Roberta Rudnick decided to focus on the ground beneath our feet. This award winning earth scientist, and processor of geology at the University of California, has spent most of her life being a strong female role model for aspiring girl scientists everywhere. Roberta is a world expert in the continental crust and lithosphere, is a member of the National Academy of the Sciences, and has won over five awards for her work, including the Dana Medal by the Mineralogical Society of America.

Rishabh Jain

At the age of thirteen, Rishabh Jain was named America’s Top Young Scientist for his research to improve radiotherapy for pancreatic cancer. By the age of seventeen, he had become a world renowned researcher, developer, inventor, and YouTube influencer. With all that under his belt, it’s crazy to think that he was just two years into his education at Westview High.

Beyond his numerous awards and recognitions, Jain spends a lot of his free time being an inventor and developer, developing AI software based around medical research. In his spare time, Jain has managed to become a highly followed Youtube influencer and he is an avid activist in a number of passions. At such a young age, it’s clear Rishabh Jain is going to go far.

Ann T. Bowling

Ann T. Bowling was one of the world’s leading geneticists in the study of horses. Throughout her life she became a major figure in the development of testing to determine the parentage of animals, first with blood typing in the 80s, then DNA testing in the 90s. Her passion has all been around her love of horses, and in her career she made ground-breaking developments in genetics and hereditary diseases.

Michael Li

Another young man of many talents, Tianhui Michael Li has made a name for himself as an entrepreneur, data scientist and businessman. Originally attending Oregon Episcopal School, Li went on to become the youngest person ever, at eighteen, to build a desktop nuclear fusion reactor and won second place and $75,000 at the Intel Science Talent Search. As a result of the competition, he has since had an asteroid named after him, 15083 Tianhuli.

In addition to rocking the science world as a mere teenager, Li went on to become the CEO of The Data Incubator, a data science education company aimed at helping students in Master’s and PhD degrees. For all young, aspiring scientists, Li is truly a role model.

Paul Hugh Emmett

Emmett was one of the physics giants of his day. As a trailblazer in the nuclear physics world, he spearheaded research to separate isotopes of uranium and to develop a corrosive uranium gas. He was a pioneer of catalysts and went on to work on the Manhattan project, working alongside world-renowned scientists like J. Robert Oppenheimer. Emmett also authored over 160 publications, some of which are still cited to this day.

Want to Learn More from Science Tutors in Portland, Oregon?

As you can see, Portland has produced some amazing scientists. Luckily, anyone can become a scientist with the right attitude and the right science tutor. With the help of one of the many high school science tutors Portland has to offer, any student might become a scientist that can change the world.

February 21, 2021

One-on-One English Language and Writing Tutors

English is incredibly frustrating. We often underestimate it’s difficulty, since it’s such an integral part of our lives. However, when it’s time to sit down and write an essay, we find our grammer doesn’t sound right. We struggle to make our sentences flow. The word count seems impossible to reach and our whole argument feels inconsistent.

Writing is more than just a trivial part of high school academics. It’s central to passing any university course and remains relevant in the professional world. If a student finds English challenging now, they’re going to have trouble crafting a compelling college admissions essay or expressing themselves concisely in a cover letter.  It could cost them job opportunities, promotions, research positions, and more.

At Tutor Portland, we understand the importance of helping kids master English now so they can excel later. Our tutoring focuses on helping students get the core principles of writing down, while also boosting comprehension and critical thinking skills. We offer tutoring for all kinds of writing, including college admissions essays, editing, research papers, standardized tests, descriptive essays and narrative work. Stick with us and we’ll have your kid reading and writing like a pro in no time.

Mastering Writing Basics

There are a lot of parallels between the high school English curriculum and communicating in the professional world. That’s because basics like thesis writing, crafting strong arguments, providing solid evidence and conducting thorough research are extremely relevant beyond grade school. Lawyers need powerful arguments to create contracts or defend clients. Business professionals must know how to present evidence to effectively share quarterly earnings. Scientists rely on strong research abilities to compile solid research papers. 

Working with an English tutor to hone in on these basics is remarkably helpful. Tutors read through essays to make sure a students’ arguments are in line with their thesis. They can determine if the evidence in an essay is really proving a point, or simply distracting from the main idea. An English tutor knows what relevant and impactful research looks like and help students incorporate it correctly.

At Tutor Portland, we can help teens apply these basics in any subject–not just English. For example, if your student is interested in science, but needs a little help with writing, we can tailor lessons to stronger research papers instead of just book reports. Say history is a student’s weak spot. An English tutor from Tutor Portland can help them identify strong sources and construct a powerful thesis with compelling arguments that explain the causes of the War of 1812. No matter what the task, we’ve got you covered.

Conquering Reading and Comprehension

If kids are struggling to get through assigned readings, an English tutor can help with that as well. Being able to effectively read and extract the valuable information from a document is an exceptionally useful skill. Tutors can go through class readings line by line to help kids see what data is really critical. This ability will come into play when teens are expected to read a dense credit card contract or understand a complicated economics lecture.

Not only that, but reading can be a way for young people to increase empathy, think more critically about life, and reflect on their own emotions. Reading literature allows students to step into the shoes of others and empathize with characters from different times and situations. Understanding how to digest and process non-fiction, like news stories or texts about history, politics and economics will bring students a greater understanding of the world. By guiding kids towards becoming better readers, tutors help students explore new perspectives.

When it comes to comprehension, a good English tutor steps in where teachers might be lacking. Oftentimes, teachers are just concerned with making sure kids read the assigned works, quizzing them on what happened in chapter five. A tutor can help kids really break down the material and pull out the most important information. They encourage kids to think deeper and ask them challenging questions that actually engage them in what they’re reading.

Cementing These Skills

Any good English tutor knows that the key to truly mastering language arts is the same as studying for science or math: careful repetition and putting in the hours.

I dedicated time to writing every single day when I was in college. This discipline and structure helped me improve my writing immensely. It gave me the power to ace college classes and land jobs after graduating. Now, my writing skills play an integral role in running my business and maintaining my blog. If students really want to write strong material, they’ll have to put in the reps. Tutors can create practice prompts or go through exercises with students to give them the repetition they need to succeed. 

Along with discipline, great writing requires a lot of trial and error. An A-scoring essay is not going to come easy. Students have to be willing to assess, rework and rewrite, no matter how much time and effort it takes. A tutor can guide students through this process and provide constructive feedback on every draft.

Additionally, an English tutor can apply a trained eye to students’ writing and identify how they can take it from acceptable to incredible. Even when the material in an essay is grammatically correct, that doesn’t mean it’s as strong as it could be. Ditching bland or overused words for more active, impactful language can elevate a piece of writing immensely. Changing sentence structure can make an essay much more digestible and persuasive. Tutors allow students to accelerate their writing skills beyond what they thought possible.

English Tutoring at Tutor Portland

At Tutor Portland, we know that tutoring isn’t one-size-fits-all, especially not for a subject as nuanced as English. We’ve got tutors from a wide range of backgrounds, ready to meet the needs of each individual student.  

Our English tutors can help your student with focused, intentional practice in the language arts. As college students and professional writers, they know how to create written work that’s not only grammatically correct, but compelling. They’ll equip your student to impress professors, amaze college admissions officers and achieve their wildest dreams.

If you’re ready to unlock your full potential, sign up for a free session today.

December 31, 2020

The Six Best Portland Tutoring Companies (And Finding the Right One)

When your kid’s classroom is a black square on a Zoom screen, it’s no wonder they struggle to stay engaged. Students lose the personal experience they once had during in-person classes while learning from home creates plenty of new distractions. With the future of education taking a hard turn, the need for quality one-on-one tutoring is greater than ever!

Unfortunately, finding the right tutor can be pretty difficult…there are hundreds of names and websites to scavenge through! It can take forever to find tutoring that’s affordable, accessible, and right for your student. Who in the world has all that time?

Who are the Best Tutors in Portland, Oregon?

To make things a little easier for you and your family, we’ve gathered a list of the best tutoring companies in the Portland area, complete with information about what makes each one unique! This list includes companies that offer in person tutoring or online sessions, or both, so no matter what your preference, we’ve got you covered. Don’t spend hours scrolling through Google; we did the work for you! One quick read and you’ll be ready to get your kid learning in no time.

North Avenue Education

Looking for a personalized, holistic approach to tutoring? North Avenue Education is ready to provide incredibly through and varied tutoring services to your family. Not only do they offer academic tutoring in math and writing, they also provide specific programs for those preparing to take SATs or ACTs. 

If someone in your family is applying to college, North Avenue Education can offer them guidance on undergraduate and graduate applications. They also have study skills coaching, which is simply aimed at helping kids develop the right habits to stay focused and organized.

One unique offering from North Avenue is their “learning pods”, groups of students who study together in person (with the appropriate safety precautions, of course), or virtually. This small group approach is aimed at creating personal connections between students during a time when we all feel farther apart than ever.

Tutor Doctor

In this time of uncertainty, you’re probably pretty eager to be certain about something…like whether or not the tutoring service you choose will REALLY help your kid out. Luckily, Tutor Doctor reports a 95% satisfaction rate from their clients. And if you’re not happy with your experience, there’s also a 60 day money back guarantee!

Tutor Doctor offers tutoring on a large variety of subjects, including Spanish, German, Chinese, and English for non-native English speakers. They also emphasize the development of what they call “X skills” for every student. These are skills like planning and self-evaluation that help students achieve not only their short term academic goals but also their lifelong dreams. In doing so, Tutor Doctor encourages kids to become more well rounded individuals with high standards for their own achievements.

If you’re looking for something simple and affordable, Tutor Doctor is definitely a company to consider. You can schedule a free consultation online any time! This consultation allows Tutor Ductor to pair your student with a tutor and a learning plan that’s right for them. Not only that, but you can book sessions quickly and easily online as well, making Tutor Doctor one convenience in this rapidly changing world we live in!

Northwest Reading Clinic

It can be hard to find the right tutoring for kids who struggle with basic reading, writing and comprehension. Every child is so different, and it’s not easy to create a program that’s tailored to their individual needs. That’s why the Northwest Reading Clinic provides kids with an exceptionally thorough assessment and consultation to discover where exactly they’re having trouble.

The center tests for things like sound/symbol association, receptive and expressive vocabulary, and ability to follow oral directions. Then they pinpoint what specific areas your kid is struggling with, to create an effective approach that helps mend gaps in their reading/comprehension skills. Northwest is here to help everyone, whether your kid has some minor difficulties concentrating on text or shows signs of severe dyslexia.

Northwest Reading Clinic offers generous amounts of tutoring, tending to work with students on a daily basis. It’s important to note that they’re not just limited to the language arts, they also offer services for students who struggle with fundamental math computations or have difficulty with logical and deductive reasoning. They’re open right now for entirely virtual sessions! If your kid needs help grasping the basics, this is the center for you.

Huntington Tutoring Center

When a student doesn’t believe in themself, their academic achievement isn’t the only thing that suffers. Everything from their social capability to their organizational abilities is affected. That’s why Huntington Tutoring Center focuses on creating confident kids. At Huntington, tutoring is about more than just words and numbers–it’s about encouraging kids to believe in themselves and their futures.

Boasting an impressive 40 years working with students and families, Huntington offers tutoring in math, reading, writing, science and more. They also offer summer programs, homework help, and special programs for kids who are diagnosed with ADHD. Not only that, but they work with schools to make sure your student is truly understanding the curriculum they are being graded on.

If you’re concerned or curious about your child’s progress and want consistent updates, Huntington might be a good option for you. They offer regular conferences with parents throughout the student’s tutoring journey to keep you clued in to your kid’s progress. Sound like something you’re interested in? You can call them anytime, or even have them call you! Tutoring plans vary from 2-10 weeks if tutoring, or a total of 30-90 hours.

Stumptown Test Prep

If you’re looking for something much more geared toward standardized test-taking, check out Stumptown Test Prep. Even if your student doesn’t have an SAT or GRE on the horizon, it’s always good to get an early start. This is especially true if your kid has a little too much time on their hands since they’ve been stuck at home.

Stumptown narrows successful test-taking down to three essential areas of learning: core knowledge, test strategies and motivation/anxiety. By looking at these three components as a unit, Stumptown helps students master their psyche instead of just the test material. They boil down most test-taking issues to gaps in knowledge, poor time management skills, and problems with the student’s mindset. Their approach includes a free consultation for your child in which Stumptown staff can get to the bottom of your child’s test taking issues.

Weekly sessions are the norm for Stumptown but their plans are very flexible, so if you’re interested, get in contact with their small staff to work out a schedule that looks best for your family. They also tutor students from middle school to college and beyond, so they’re ready to step in at any point in your child’s educational journey.

Tutor Portland

Students are living under the pressure of expectations from parents, teachers, counselors…so why would they want a tutor who just tells them what to do? Instead of appointing someone to simply instruct your student, Tutor Portland aims to pair your child with a mentor (we were originally called Mentor Portland!) Tutor Portland aims to establish trust and respect between tutor and student, and provide a positive, kind environment.

The folks at Tutor Portland think there are some serious issues with the way math is taught in schools and adopt a more effective alternative. While most school curriculums emphasize long lectures and monotonous practice, Tutor Portland focuses on teaching math conceptually, often having students verbalize their own mathematical thinking to ensure retention. Tutor Portland knows that every student is different, and that tutors might have to describe things a few different ways before kids understand.

Tutor Portland places the most focus on math and science, but they also offer writing and Spanish tutoring as well. In addition they have a unique program for those applying to medical school, and SAT/ACT prep!

Find a Tutor Near You

While school looks a little different this year, it doesn’t mean that personal, individualized learning isn’t possible. By checking out these local tutoring centers, you can give your kid the chance to beat the stay-at-home blues and get excited about their education again.

December 15, 2020

The Ultimate Guide to Math Placement Tests

So your child has completed their college apps and they’ve started to narrow down their higher education choices. Whether they want to attend a junior college, attend school part-time, or are taking the plunge into a four-year university, their big decision will help shape their future. You’ll want to be sure that they’re as prepared as they can be.

Before they even step foot in a classroom, their skills will need to be tested. Math placement tests are a required examination prior to enrolling in specific classes. If they’re worried about what lies ahead for them when it comes to math placement tests and scheduling math classes, there’s no need to worry.

We have the ultimate guide right here for parents and students like you to better understand what math placement tests are all about.

What is a Math Placement Test?

A math placement test is designed to measure a student’s math skills and gauge the most appropriate math classes they should take for the upcoming semester. Before starting college or university, students must complete a math placement test at home. This happens after a student has been admitted to a school and is a normal part of the enrollment process. 

There is no passing or failing a math placement test. The point of these exams is to see how competent the student is in the subject. They are more of an assessment of personal skills rather than an analysis of mastery. A math placement test is not a measure of intelligence, but a measurement of personal experience and how well a student demonstrates that experience. 

After the test, the school will tailor a choice of math class to the student’s best strengths. If a student is a top scorer, they’ll be rightly placed in advanced classes that will properly challenge them. If they score lower on the math placement test, then they will be placed in less intense math courses.

What to Expect on a Math Placement Test

Although all schools require students to take a math placement test, there is no universal standard they adhere to. Each university or college will create their own tests that best measure math skills according to their own set of standards. 

However, there will be some similarities across the board. Questions will be pulled from a wide variety of math topics such as algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and some precalculus and calculus, but the questions will not dive deeply into each subject. The range of questions will be wide, not deep.

The wide-range of questions about basic concepts is followed by longer word problems. These word problems focus on the application of concepts. Students will apply the previously mentioned concepts to help solve longer story problems. Further, the test will ask students to provide written analysis to test if they can fully understand and demonstrate mathematical concepts. 

These tests usually do not have a time limit and are mostly multiple choice. The point of the exam is to measure skill, not speed. They’re usually administered online too, so there is no need to travel to a testing location. The tests are often completed from the comfort of a student’s own home. 

What’s The Deal with High Placement Scores?

Preparing for math placement tests can save students and parents time and money down the road. If your university requires payment for classes by the unit, students can save money by testing out of classes that would otherwise be required for their degree. 

By scoring well, students can bypass entry-level courses and qualify for more challenging (and more interesting!) math classes. By scoring poorly, the school may place students in lower intensity remedial courses and take time away from more enriching classes.

If a student plans to enter a field that is less math-intensive, they can bypass math classes altogether if they score high enough. By testing out of basic math classes, they free their schedule to take other classes that are more relevant to their field of study. This will save time and money as students will skip a few steps on their way to complete their degree.

How to Prepare for a Math Placement Test

Before taking a placement test, I encourage students to brush up on basic mathematical concepts. A math placement test will have questions about basic arithmetic such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, proportions, averages, decimals, and integers. It sounds like a lot, but it’s nothing students haven’t mastered before!

Here are our tips to maximize your studying habits!

However, it’s important not to put too much weight on the outcome of the test. There is a downside of over-preparing. If students prepare for the test in anticipation to score “well” or “ace” the exam, then they could be setting themselves up for a difficult situation. By studying for hours to ace the exam, students may earn placement in an advanced level math course they are not ready for. They might become overwhelmed by the higher level material because of their inflated placement score.

Remember, there is no passing or failing these placement tests, so over-preparing won’t always pay off. Ending up in a less intense math course might be the perfect situation for a student who isn’t as mathematically gifted as their peers.

Conversely, if a student enters the math placement test completely unprepared, then they could be placed in a math course that is far below their skill set. These students might get stuck paying for a class that is repetitive, boring, and ultimately a waste of their time because they did not demonstrate higher level math skills on the placement test.

Final Thoughts on Math Placement Tests 

If a higher education institution accepts you or your child into their program and requires you to take math placement tests, look into hiring a tutor. When you hire a tutor to work one-on-one, you can focus on reviewing the areas that are the best use of your time. Meeting with a tutor to hone math skills could make a positive difference for your future in higher education.

Experts from Tutor Portland or Zoom Tutor can assist in tailoring a plan for you or your child. Having a tutor that understands how the math placement test works will make a huge difference in your educational experience. By fortifying math experience, you will be ready to take a math placement test and best serve your educational career.

September 1, 2019

Tutors Portland, OR

How to find Tutors in Portland, OR

Finding a good tutor in Portland, OR can be challenging. Many families are looking for a great tutor who will come out to their home within a few days. Tutoring can be a time pressing issue. Grades need to be fixed quickly. Exams can’t be delayed or postponed. At Tutor Portland, we commonly send tutors out the very same day that people ask. But even we admit that finding good tutors is really hard. We have to interview scores of applicants before we find a good tutor. And we have long made it our internal motto that we would rather grow at a slower rate—and be limited by the number of great tutors we have—then grow at a faster rate by hiring mediocre tutors.

I think this should be your philosophy, too. It is better to spend time researching and finding a great tutor, than quickly signing up and accepting a mediocre one.

Portland, OR is growing incredibly quickly

Portland, OR is growing. Albeit, the rate of growth has cooled slightly in 2019 relative to the 2015-2016 years of rapid growth. But still, Portland, OR has been growing by well over 30,000 residents every year for decades. This has caused a strain to Portland, OR’s school system—and a rapidly increasing demand for educational services. Since the mid-2010’s Portland, OR has been growing at an average growth rate of over 1.0% per year. As far as population growth is concerned, this is an incredibly high rate of change. In fact, Portland, OR is growing twice as fast as the broader nation is. Still, the population growth doesn’t tell the entire story. Portland, OR has grown it’s GDP by 48% between 2001 and 2014. That is significantly more than double the rate of growth of San Francisco. This means that workers have been hard to find in Portland. This has increased the difficulty of finding high-quality tutors in Portland, OR.

How does tutoring in Portland, OR work?

Tutoring in Portland, OR is becoming more difficult do the increasing population density. Tutors have to travel for longer distances. And there are more students who need help. Portland has a shortage of workers. However, the few good tutors still remain in Portland, OR. It just takes time to track them down. Once you find a good tutor, you normally set an initial session or phone call with them. At Tutor Portland, we always offer the first session for free. The tutor comes out to your home and you get to see if it’s a good fit.

Most other tutoring companies provide an initial “free consultation.” Essentially, this is a free sales pitch. They come out to your home and try to sell you thousands of dollars worth of tutoring. That is how “tutordoctor” does it. We think this is sleazy and a waste of everyone’s time. Therefore, we decided to bypass this sales pitch. (Our founder, Eric Earle, hates hard pressure sales. He vowed to never let his company use those tactics. He thinks that people should be offered something—and, if they like it, they might decide to purchase it).

On top of that, most of the time tutoring is a time-sensitive issue. Families who are looking for tutors in Portland, OR, need to find them quickly—often within a day or two. That’s why we offer a free session. We don’t want there to be any barriers between you and homework help and exam prep. Just call us, and we’ll send a great tutor out to your home—as long as you are located in the greater Portland, OR area.

What subjects can Portland, OR tutors help with?

Tutors can help Portland students with just about every subject. Over the years that we’ve been in business, we’ve found that the vast majority of students need help in Chemistry, Mathematics, and Spanish. So we’ve chosen to hone in and focus on those. In addition, those are the subjects we’re best at. They are also the subjects that Portland, OR students struggle with the most. Every market and every city is different! But in Portland, OR that’s what students struggle the most with.

How much do tutors in Portland, OR cost?

The price of tutors in Portland, OR has a pretty big variation. For test prep services, tutoring can cost upwards of $300 per hour. Our subject tutoring costs around $100 per hour (as of 2019). There are certainly other cheaper options. Some people choose to use a family friend, or someone they found on Facebook or Craigslist. But the market for professional tutoring is expanding rapidly. We think this is because parents see the value in professional tutors. Families now view tutoring as one of the best investments they can make in their children—and we all know that children are the biggest investment that any family has.

When should I sign up for tutors in Portland, OR?

Families choose to sign up for tutoring at different times. Many families wait until their children are far behind before they sign up. This isn’t something that we would recommend! But often that is just the nature of the situation, and we understand. Many families choose to start tutoring before their child’s grade start to drop. This is a great idea because it ensures success and is more preventative. We highly, highly recommend this!

Families might also choose tutoring at different times throughout the year. Some families choose to start tutoring in the fall, and others start in the winter or summer. This is entirely up to you! We would recommend starting in the fall and working throughout the entire school year with a tutor. This provides the best results.

Why Tutor Portland?

Tutor Portland is unique for three reasons:

  1. We focus on active tutoring.
  2. We are a membership company.
  3. We hire hand-selected elite tutors. Most companies are focused on rapid growth and hiring any tutor they can get their hands on. We would rather grow at a slower rate and ensure that our tutoring is top notch. This means that sometimes we get so busy, we simply can’t offer our services to everyone.
August 22, 2019

Portland Math Tutors

What are Portland math tutors?

When your child starts to struggle in mathematics, complain, and bring home poor report card grades, the last thing in the world you want to have to focus on is re-learning mathematics and trying to teach them. Having the best Portland Math Tutors available at your door within hours can be a massive relief. Whether your child scored and B+ on a recent exam, or whether they have been struggling with and failing math all year long, Tutor Portland is there to cover for you and help your child start earning A’s again.

In a world that is increasingly being dominated by science and mathematics, the best thing your child can do is master those subjects, and we can help with that.

How do Portland math tutors work?

Math tutoring is simple with Tutor Portland. You pay a monthly membership fee in order to have access to a top hand-picked math tutor who comes out to your home for sessions at a time that is most convenient to you.

If your child is wanting help with homework, preparing for a quiz, or learning conceptual math problems, just give us a call and we can set up tutoring. With our monthly memberships, you can rest assured knowing that a math tutor is always available for you. Most families to choose to pick one tutor and stick with them. Together, they find a weekly time and meet every week to work on homework, higher-level thinking, and general study strategies.

You are only responsible for making sure your child is fed, ready, and prepared for the tutoring session. We will cover everything else! We know how challenging it is for parents and family members to try and tutor each other. We have heard countless stories about this not working out. That’s why many families choose to leave their tutoring up to us!

What topics do Portland math tutors cover?

Portland math tutors cover a variety of topics. This includes algebra, geometry, calculus, and other concepts and courses your child might be taking. We have different membership tiers, which allow you to focus on any of these subjects for a certain number of hours per week. We are proud to offer an unlimited membership, which means that you can do as many tutoring hours as you’d like or as many as you can schedule. With this, there are no limits to the amount of tutoring that we can do. There is also no limit to the concepts or topics we can cover.

What’s Covered:

  • Arithmetic
  • Pre-Algebra
  • Algebra
  • Functions
  • Modeling
  • Geometry
  • Statistics
  • Probability
  • Pre-Calculus
  • Calculus
  • Trigonometry

How much do math tutors in Portland cost?

Hiring math tutors in Portland can range in price depending on your location, zip code, travel distance, subject, and more. Usually, tutors who teach more challenging subjects charge more than those who teach foundational material. Some organizations offer group tutoring. At Tutor Portland, we focus on individualized personal tutoring. We charge a monthly membership fee based on the number of sessions (hours) that you want to use per month. We believe this makes tutoring simply and more accessible because the rate is standardized regardless of where you live or what subject you need to learn. This allows you to efficiently budget for your children over the course of their academic career. To look up more information about our pricing, you can visit our membership page to see what each different membership tier costs.

When should I get math tutoring for my child?

This really depends on you, your situation, and your goals. We recommend math tutoring first and foremost if your child is struggling with math or if they don’t enjoy math. These two things often go hand-in-hand. People don’t like math because they are bad at it! Normally, once students start tutoring they get better at math and start to really enjoy it.

We also recommend tutoring for students who want to stay ahead of the curve. Many families today realize that college is getting more and more competitive. They are also discovering and reading about how the best careers often involve science, technology, and mathematics. Therefore, we’ve worked with many families that want to simply keep their kids ahead of the curve—and ensure that they are really mastering the material.

Some families even ask for tutoring for their kids who are very gifted at math. Often times they will ask for help preparing for an AP or IB examination. Other families have asked us to help prepare their kids for the SAT, SSAT, or ACT.

Why are math tutors important?

Math tutors are becoming more important for several reasons.

  1. With the increase in technology, students today are having trouble focusing. This is hindering their ability to learn mathematics. Some research has found that calculators and other technology are reducing children’s mathematical reasoning ability and conceptual understanding. Research has found that high-tech classrooms equipped with “interactive whiteboards” actually decrease a student’s math performance. In addition, mathematics learning software has been shown to have no benefit on student’s standardized test scores. One thing is clear: learning math the old fashioned way is what works. Learning math should be hard. It requires hours of sitting in front of a math textbook and working on it. Tutors can help explain some of these difficult ideas and get students working in the right direction.
  2. Colleges are getting more competitive. It takes higher math, science, and SAT scores to get into the top colleges these days. We can feel the rising stress among families even just since 2015 when we were started our local tutoring company. Acceptance rates are falling across the nation. Standardized test scores are inching higher and higher. Colleges such as Harvard reject students with perfect SAT scores year after year. Many students are now using the common application, which lets them hedge their bets and apply to more and more schools. In order to boost their children’s grades and mathematical understanding, many families are hiring tutors.
  3. All of the top students are working with tutors. This is causing the best students to pull further and further ahead from the pack. That’s one reason why it’s becoming more and more difficult for average good and great students to make it into great colleges. Top students are highly adept at mathematics. In addition to this, they are highly skilled in writing and English. This shows that they are well-rounded. This is why many parents are hiring subject tutors for various subjects.

What math courses do colleges expect you to have taken?

The majority of colleges expect students to have taken at least 3 years of math in high school. Many expect four years. At Tutor Portland, we highly highly highly recommend that students take four years of high school math. Colleges officially say that they don’t require it. But four years of math is largely accepted—and three years are often frowned upon by the admissions team.

Top schools also expect advanced courses such as Honors, IB, or AP mathematics. For students who want to become doctors or pursue other STEM degrees or programs in college, it is highly recommended that these students complete 4 years of advanced high school math with excellent marks in those courses. This will help set your child apart.

There are three different AP math courses offered to high school students: AP Calculus AB, AP Calculus BC, and AP Statistics. You can learn more about AP Exams and how they are graded here.

However, across the board, geometry and algebra are the bare minimum courses that need to be completed in order to graduate from high school. The vast majority of states have adopted the common core curriculum and standards, which were discussed earlier in this article.

Most high schools follow this progression of courses:

  1. Algebra 1
  2. Geometry
  3. Algebra 2/Trigonometry
  4. Pre-Calculus
  5. Calculus

Many students will commonly stop at pre-calculus. And this order is not the same at every school. There are some schools in Portland that teach geometry first and then algebra 1 and 2 following that.

Many students believe they will never need to use mathematics, so why bother studying it? And, at first glance, that appears to be true for people studying the humanities. Why do English majors need to know algebra? But these days colleges are realizing the value of having strong interdisciplinary students on their campuses.

Why should I choose Tutor Portland?

Tutor Portland is a local tutoring company that time and time again has gotten results for students. We take our clients very seriously and want to ensure that they have an incredible experience with us. And we will do whatever it takes to make that happen!

What makes Tutor Portland unique is our focus on active tutoring. We believe in having engaging tutoring sessions. Learning should be dynamic. That’s why we focus on active learning strategies which are based on research and have been proven to drive learning results. There is a lot of recent research on math and science education. The data clearly shows that students learn mathematics when they attempt to verbalize their mathematical reasoning and thinking. This helps them realize what they know, think through challenging concepts, and fill in gaps in their own mental models. That’s why we take an active approach. We ask questions which get students thinking and which nudge them to explain their mathematical reasoning.

August 18, 2019

Tutors In Portland, Oregon

Are you looking for tutors in Portland, Oregon? The first step in looking for tutors in Portland is to know exactly what type of subjects you are interested in and also what goals and objectives you would have for any tutoring program. Portland has a very diverse set of schools and curriculum. In addition, there are many different types of tutors and tutoring organizations in Portland.

Different Options for Findings Tutors in Portland, Oregon:

1. You can always find a tutor on craigslist. This is a great idea if you are looking for a low-cost tutoring method. This is a more involved process because it would be a good idea to meet with the tutor before you have them work with your child. It would also be smart to test and see how well they know the given subject. Normally, I would only recommend working with someone off craigslist if you can verify they have a track record of successful tutoring experiences. You can also find a tutor on a website such as care.com. However, it would be smart to do your due diligence here as there have been some recent media articles highlighting concerns with care.com.

2. You can find online tutors. Online tutoring is always an option. There are many good options for this. Varsity tutors has online tutoring available. There are also websites like Wyzant. I know people who have tutored for these organizations. However, even with the rush towards everything online, most families that I know still prefer to have tutoring happen in-person. I prefer it for myself, too. I’ve been studying a lot of organic chemistry recently because I am applying for medical school soon, and I personally use in-person tutors here in Portland, Oregon when I need help. It feels so much more tangible and real and dynamic to have a tutor who is there with you in-person.

3. Another option is to find a local tutoring company. I like local tutoring companies because they are normally founded by someone who is originally from the area and knows the different local school systems. In addition, smaller companies just make sense when it comes to tutoring. I think the entire problem with education is that it has become too commercialized and too mass-market. Classroom sizes are too large. The curriculum is dictated by “common core standards” and students are taught and tested based on standardized metrics. I think that smaller, local tutoring companies are better able to customize and tailor specialized learning programs for individual families.

Other Factors to Consider When Looking for Tutors in Portland, Oregon:

Aside from where to find a good tutor, there are many other factors to consider when looking for tutors in Portland, Oregon.

1. It’s important to think about the tutor’s long-term plan and goals. One big complaint that we hear all the time from families is that they have trouble finding a reliable tutor in Portland. This is because tutoring is normally a short-term part-time job. This is because tutors are normally younger, and often still in college. There is some work that needs to be done here because often times college students make great tutors. These tutors are down-to-earth and relate very easily to students. We have found that they key distinction is determining the motivations of the tutor. We search for tutors who are motivated intrinsically to teach. We want tutors who are passionate about their subject and will go above and beyond to make sure the message gets across. We are not interested in tutors who just view tutoring as a job or as a way to make some money. These tutors are unreliable and more short-term in nature. We have discovered through experience that tutors who are passionate about their subject and about teaching tend to go the extra-mile and stick around for many years.

2. Look for local tutors!!! We cannot stress this enough. We have learned over the years that local tutors are effective because they grew up in the area and often attended some of the local schools. This means that they are likely to have connections with local teachers and within local school systems. But even more importantly, they understand the local standards and curriculum. This is important because expectations for students vary by state, city, and even school districts. For example, not all states use common core. But school districts within Portland, Oregon use the common core standards heavily.

3. Find tutors who are passionate about education and who stay up to date on the most recent trends in education. This is incredibly important. Education is changing all the time. We read about different states changing their education standards nearly every year. Within any given year it is common for 10+ states to change and adjust their mathematics or reading standards. The bottom line is that education is changing all the time. For example, New York recently reported that they will be moving away from the common core standard and towards a “next generation” learning standard. At Tutor Portland, we are constantly researching what might happen next with regards to the state of education in Portland, Oregon. We are on top of this so that you don’t have to be. We do it because we love this stuff! Education and learning are fascinating. And we want to do our part to make learning more accessible to all students.

Finding Tutors for Students at Portland Public Schools (PPS):

Some families aren’t a fan of Portland Public Schools. And we get it. Any public school system is bound to have some problems and issues. But there are several things that PPS does very well. Expert tutors (often local tutors) know and understand well how to work within the Portland Public School system in Portland, Oregon. PPS publishes many tools and resources for students, families, and educators on their website. For example, Portland Public Schools mandate that all teachers publish their syllabi online in an easy to find and read format. Tools like these help students and parents. They also help tutors who are better able to track a student’s progress and help them over the course of the school term.

Tutors for Private Schools in Portland, Oregon:

There are many great private schools located in Portland, Oregon. Some of them have their own tutoring on staff. And others offer tutoring to their students for an additional fee. But we have found that many private schools don’t have tutors available, or the ones they do aren’t satisfactory. Private schools in Portland, Oregon definitely have different standards and expectations than the Portland Public School system does. So when you’re for tutors in Portland it’s a good idea to find tutors who know the local area and understand the differences among the schools here. And the differences between the private schools here are pretty found. We like this guide as a breakdown of the top 20 private schools in Portland, Oregon. As you can see, these schools have a wide variation in their “grade” or ranking, and also in their cost.

What are some of the top private schools in Portland? There are smaller schools located in downtown Portland such as the Northwest Academy. Oregon Episcopal School, OES, is a very well known and highly regarded school in Portland. We have tutored a number of clients at OES, and have often donated to their school auction in previous years. There is also All Saints School, which is located in inner SE Portland. We have also worked with several families who have students attending La Salle Catholic College Prepatory School. La Salle is a co-ed roman catholic school. There are countless other private schools. They all have a slightly different way of running their schools and their academic departments. They have varying educational standards and they teach some of the core subjects like math and science in separate ways. Looking for a private tutor who understand these differences is a very wise choice!

Finding Tutors in Portland, Oregon for a Homeschooling Program

Homeschooling in Oregon is a pretty straightforward idea to get started with. Legally, the barriers to entry for a parent to start their child on a homeschooling program are pretty low. You simply need to register your student with your local ESD. You can do this by sending the ESD a simple letter stating your intent to enroll your student / child in a home learning program. You then have free range what you wish to teach your student. However, this is the bare minimum that you should do. Most parents attempt to find activites and chances for interaction and collaboration for their child. We have had several families, therefore, ask us about creating programs for their children who are being homeschooled. Often the student will spend the first part of their day reading and involved in self-directed learning. This means that they are engaged in their own learning and focused on things they are intrinsically motivated to learn and improve at. As the day progresses, the parents may want them to take some formal lessons. They might take their child to music lessons. There is one program we like a lot called Trackers Earth, and many parents choose to send their children there to learn great skills such as blacksmithing, animal tracking, and a wide variety of other cool and useful outdoor skills.

Often families then have a tutor come in for a few hours per day. We normally assist with subjects like reading and mathematics because these can be challenging subjects to master for some students. Normally, families that are homeschooling choose to opt for our Unlimited Tutoring Membership. Essentially, this is exactly what it sounds like. We have a no-limits approach to tutoring and to the time we can spend with your child. We have always had this as an option since we were founded right here in Portland, Oregon in 2015 – by me, Eric M Earle, a proud Portland native.

Finding Tutors in Portland for Other Programs

There are many other learning and educational goals that can be assisted through the use of an in-home tutor. For example, we have a specific math tutoring program for families who are located in Portland, Oregon. This is our most commonly used program because – let’s face it – math is hard! We have found it is one of the subjects that students most benefit from having help with. Having a math tutor is a big boost!

Another popular program is our pre-medical program. This program is geared towards seniors in high school as well as college students or post-graduate students. We focus on several things in this program. We have a core curriculum that includes intensive tutoring for any math or science courses. We focus primarily on these courses because mastering the concepts in these courses is critical for successful applications to medical school. It is also critically important to earn high grades in these courses. We do not accept anything less than an A. Neither should you. On top of this, we also assist with English, Sociology, Psychology or any other courses that your student might be enrolled in because these are very important, too. And they are becoming increasingly more important with each passing application cycle. In addition, we also help with overall strategy for acceptance into medical school. We help students focus on their purpose and their mission. This focus is *critical* for acceptance into great medical schools. We assist, therefore, with overall game plan and strategy. What jobs should I work? What type of volunteering should I do? What type of reflective writing should I do to start preparing for my medical school applications? We help with all of this and so much more.

We also have specific programs which have been created and shaped for each grade level: high school, middle school, and elementary school. We also have a program for adult tutoring. In addition to these age-specific programs, we also offer summer tutoring programs.

Thanks for much for choosing to read through our website and for your time reading this article. We really appreciate you and we would love to have the opportunity to serve you. We focus on being the most customer centric tutoring company ever known! It is our mission to serve you – to make sure that you are happy and fulfilled and that you are confident in the future of your child. We know that children are the most important and precious things in the world. We treasure that special relationship. And we work very hard to ensure academic success for even the most challenging and difficult circumstances. Thanks! We hope you are having a fantastic day.


Eric M Earle

Founder and Owner, Tutor Portland (est. 2015)

July 25, 2019

Math Tutors Portland Oregon

Math Tutors

Seven Benefits Of Working With Math Tutors Portland Oregon

Countless students struggle in school with math. That’s because once you fall significantly behind in a progressive subject like this one, catching up becomes next to impossible. Math tutors can help young students discover their ideal learning methods, attain mastery over essential, basic-level math skills, assist in test prep and discover strategies for successfully solving advanced math problems. Following are seven benefits that your child can gain by attending a tutoring session or, by investing in in-home tutors, with a qualified and experienced math tutor.

1. Tutor Students Can Get The One-On-One Attention They Need And Deserve

When people struggle in any subject, especially school math, asking for help can be extremely difficult, particularly in group learning environments. There is always the fear of frustrating instructors, earning the contempt of classmates, and failing to grasp the concept in question, even after the requested help has been received. This is actually why so many failing math students suffer in silence. Investing in online tutoring, in-home tutors, or private tutoring can be extremely beneficial for your student. 

Conversely, students that engage in tutoring session have the benefit of a private, one-on-one learning environment in which asking questions is always safe and easy. The new subject matter is never presented until the current subject matter is fully understood. More importantly, essential math skills are built in a very steady, progressive, and easy-to-manage way. Helping students better grasp math across elementary school, middle school, high school and beyond can drastically increase their confidence in the classroom and benefit them as they continue their education. 

2. Mastery In One Area Can Promote Confidence In Others

Failing in any subject can take a noticeable toll on a students’ overall confidence. Surprisingly, doing poorly in math can also affect students’ academic performance and general behavior in other areas. This is how many class clowns are actually born. The need to obtain approval from peers, and the need to deflect attention away from insufficient math skills, is inspiration enough to turn even the best-behaved kids into loud, boisterous jokers. As such, getting students the help they need as early as possible can result in impressive improvements across all areas of learning and advanced socialization. 

3. Math Tutors In Portland Oregon Can Identify Your Child’s Learning Style

With the best math tutors in Portland, Oregon, the first tutoring sessions are largely exploratory in nature. In many instances, tutor students aren’t failing to grasp specific math concepts because they’re inherently bad in this subject; they simply haven’t been presented with complex ideas in ways that suit their individual learning styles. There are visual, verbal, auditory, and physical learners. Some kids are able to process new information best when instructors take a hands-on approach. Others benefit most from clearly written or spoken instructions. If your child is an auditory learner and only has access to visual learning tools in school, tutoring will provide an opportunity to confront and digest key information in a more needs-specific way.

4. Establish A Strong Foundation For Future Success In Math

Feeling truly capable in any area of study can make learning fun. This is actually one of the greatest benefits of working with math tutors in Portland, Oregon. People who receive these services no longer find themselves dreading time in class, or worrying over their work at home. More importantly, given that many areas of math entail the development of essential and progressive skills, time spent with tutors can actually help lay a solid foundation for future success in the subject. When a student struggles with core skills, each move to a new chapter or section can place this individual further and further behind. Tutors can prevent this by both catching their tutor students up and getting them ready for the challenges and skills that invariably lie ahead.

5. Self-Directed And Self-Paced Learning Can Make Students More Proactive

Students who struggle in math often procrastinate when it comes to completing homework assignments and preparing for tests. Tutoring encourages self-directed and self-paced learning by teaching students their individual learning styles and exposing them to tips, tools, and strategies for problem-solving that prevent them from getting stuck. Moreover, students who get the undivided, one-on-one attention that Oregon tutors provide are more likely to feel comfortable asking for help in-class when they truly need it.

6. Tutoring Can Help An Under-Stimulated Student Reach His Or Her True Potential

Math tutoring isn’t just for students who are struggling in this notoriously challenging subject. It’s also for kids who have a special knack for mastering new math skills right away, and who are often bored or under-stimulated in the conventional learning environment. Working with a Portland tutor is a great way for advanced learners to start looking ahead to the increasingly challenging subject matter that they’re bound to confront, discover real-world applications for the math skills that they currently possess, and improve their testing and studying skills among many other things.

7. Tutoring Helps Kids Get Ready For College

The road to college is riddled with math challenges. Tutoring will prepare your child for the countless exams that will ultimately determine passing or failing grades, and admission to first-choice universities. With the benefit of added confidence and an increasingly self-directed approach to learning, tutored students tend to be more empowered when it comes to defining and pursuing their goals for higher education.

Math is one area of learning in which core, foundation-level skills are critical to success. If your child is struggling in math, consulting with a Portland tutor can provide far-ranging benefits. Tutor Portland is an excellent place to start searching for the qualified math help that your young student deserves.

Where To Find Tutor Portland :

Tutor Portland | Math Tutoring
950 SW 21st Ave #1117
Portland, OR 97205
(503) 347-7120

We offer Math Tutors in Portland Oregon here.