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July 2, 2023

What Is Meditation?

Meditation is a practice that equips someone with the ability to draw focus to a particular object, thought, or activity in order to train a deeper awareness. It’s believed to be so beneficial because of its impact on one’s achievement of clarity, relaxation, or emotional stability!

You’ve probably heard this word being paired with “Mindfulness”, which is the awareness of the present moment. When you put them together, you get something called “Mindfulness Meditation” which is a practice able to help you draw focus to the present in order to bring stillness, peace, or emotional clarity to what’s currently happening. Mindfulness meditation is incredibly helpful for grounding your being and alleviating symptoms of ruminating thoughts, anxiety, stress, even depression.

However, meditation is a very malleable practice with lots of versions to accommodate any and all needs. You can find meditations for pretty much anything, but also mold it to fit your individual desires!

The Benefits of Meditation

There are many proven benefits to meditation in social, emotional, and mental capacities! Here are just some of the core perks:

Improved Attention: Those who meditate can eventually condition themselves to attune their focus much more easily, effectively, and naturally! Attention is something many of us deal with especially in times of stress or anxiety, so meditation can act as that grounding force.

Boosts Immune System: New studies and clues indicate that meditation CAN boost the immune system! Negative emotions, traumas, and more have the power to manifest inside our body, so meditation can help us begin to release those stresses and connect deeper with our bodily instincts.

Longer Concentration: The strengthened attention can help prolong one’s ability to concentrate on tasks! Performing a task or set of them can be difficult when someone can get overwhelmed or pressured by external stresses, so incorporating meditation into a daily routine will improve the fluidity of someone’s day–to-day responsibilities!

Lower Stress Levels: Reducing stress is a very typical motivating factor in why people take up meditation! Stress is usually produced as a result of ruminating thoughts about the past or future, draining tasks or interactions, and more. By integrating meditation into everyday life, you can create space to decompress from these taxing thoughts and have more time to actually enjoy the present moment.

Why Meditation Should Be Encouraged In the Classroom!

Meditation shouldn’t just stay in yoga classes or within the adult community- you people can benefit from it, too! This can become an especially useful resource for kids in school, being that it can be quite a stressful environment for them.

Here’s why meditation should be encouraged in educational environments:

Increased Focus = Less Distractions: When children are unable to pay attention for prolonged periods of time, their schooling isn’t nearly as effective. They are unable to retain a majority of the knowledge- but that can change! Meditation can encourage students to bring themselves into the present, and by fortifying their focusing skills they won’t be as distracted! Less distractions leave more room for productive growth!

Cope with Stress + Emotions Better: Stress is never going to go away completely; we all experience it in different ways. Emotional regulation can be tough for younger people, so giving them the tools to start early is a great idea! Meditation has the ability to bring down the heightened bodily and emotional sensations, which gives children the space to process what they’re thinking and feeling.

Helps with Nerves during Test Taking: As a result of the stress reduction, stressful tasks are not as daunting! Children face many assessments, exams, projects, and responsibilities that heighten their fear of failure. So, meditation can be a great preparatory exercise so they can attack their assignments with clarity and even more confidence.

Calmer State of Mind: Schools can be very chaotic, even draining environments for some kids. They deserve to feel secure, safe, and comfortable in the places they exist in for long periods of time. Meditation can help- the connection between body and mind will calm the childrens’ nervous systems for a more pleasant attitude.

Strengthened Social Skills: Children are very impressionable people, and one negative experience can harm them. This is applicable when making friends, which is a very stressful thing when it’s not always as organic or easy! Meditation can help a student regulate their own selves so they know how to better approach their peers and create stronger bonds.

Develop Empathy: Those who consistently practice meditation have a greater ability to show deep understanding of others’ perspectives. This can be incredibly beneficial in school environments, where many young individuals are exposed to different viewpoints. Empathy can help a student resolve a conflict, understand a relational situation, or just ground their mind before reacting to something.

Improves Overall Self-Esteem + Confidence: Students can have a VERY hard time attacking their assignments and learning with confidence. Meditation, especially when incorporating affirming statements, will broaden their belief systems. The positive, more mindful thinking will allow them to recognize their worth and capability! The improved self-esteem will better ALL areas of life, but show in the results of their education.

If you are curious to know more about why meditation is so beneficial, there are many articles out there to help you with research! This one is a great yet simple summary of what you can find!