May 1, 2018
Why Hire A Tutor In Portland?
Some Portland Parents Ask Me: Why Should I Hire A Tutor?
One Reason To Hire A Tutor Might Be: Better Grades!
I’ve spoken with many Portland parents who are interested in hiring a tutor for their child. They often ask me about the benefits of tutoring. What results should they expect to see for their children?
Research On The Benefits of Hiring A Tutor
In 1982, a young researcher conducted a meta-analysis of over 60 studies on tutoring. This means, he took the results of over 60 studies and analyzed them to see the outcomes of a wide-range of studies.
The Results?
- Tutored Students Outperformed Peers On Examinations
- Tutees Expressed More Positive Attitudes Towards School Subjects
- Tutoring Was Especially Beneficial For Students Learning Mathematics
Here is an article from the National Education Association that further discusses the benefits of academic tutoring.
(Why was math tutoring so beneficial?) Math is a linear subject. That means that what you learned yesterday (last year or last class) effects what you are learning today. So, if you fall behind in math, you’re in trouble. That’s where tutors can make a huge difference. Tutors can help Portland students rise above their difficulties and master new skills.
Academic And Cognitive Improvements From Working With Academic Tutors
- Tutors Help Students Raise Their GPA, Score Higher On Tests, and Better Understand Material
Social And Behavioral Benefits From Working With Academic Tutors
But tutors also bestow another benefit upon tutees: they help them socially.
- Tutors Help Students Develop What Psychologists Call A Self-Concept and Social-Concept
- (And further studies show that Self and Social Concepts are Correlated With Improved Academic Performance.)
- Tutored Students Show A Decrease In In-Class Disruptive Behaviors
- Tutored Students Report A Greater Degree Of Internal Responsibility For Their Own Achievement.
- Tutoring Has Also Been Shown To Improve Students’ Ability To Handle Constructive Feedback
That is pretty remarkable. Most Portland parents I talk too are in it for immediate results. They want to see their child’s grades go from Cs to As. And I understand that. But what’s incredible to me is the constructive power that tutoring can have on a student both socially and behaviorally.
If you’re interested in learning more:
Here’s an article that discusses several benefits to tutoring.
And if you live in Portland, Oregon, you can also take a peek at our tutors or our subjects, if you want.
— Eric Earle