July 30, 2023

A Universe of Numbers

How Math Greatly Affects our Daily Life and Development of Civilization

Math has worked WONDERS for our daily lives. You may not personally enjoy the subject yourself, and that’s okay! However, it’s difficult to disregard just how influential math has become in modern society, and the development of civilization as a whole.

It’s deeply ingrained in everything we’ve built, negotiated, engineered, and modernized. It provides order in our lives and minimizes the chaos. Our statistics, logic, ethics, and deeply encoded practices all have math to thank. And whether we see it or not, math materializes into phenomena all around us.

Math is a globally understood and utilized knowledge, which opens us up to connecting in ways we typically couldn’t. When we encounter an opportunity to have an exchange of knowledge, we can only grow in our comprehension. That’s probably why so many of our biggest advancements came into fruition when a great discovery in math was made.

I mean, take a look at the ancient Egyptians… once they discovered how to apply their mathematical findings, the Great Pyramids came to be and, well, the rest is history.

Even when we aren’t in active math mode or solving something directly in front of us, it’s a skill we implement daily. It forges our cognitive, intellectual, and academic discipline- and yes, we use it in domestic situations as well! What do you think lays the foundation for things like cooking, telling time, even filling our homes with furniture?

What are the benefits of math in daily life? Oh, let us count some (of the infinite) ways…

Daily Benefits of Math

Builds Mental Discipline: It’s no secret that math is an incredibly rigorous topic to learn and master, which we’ve been exposed to from very young ages. The numbers, equations, formulas, proofs, measurements, shapes… they are all intricately designed with their unique set of rules and methods. When we are presented with a problem to solve or decipher, it’s on us and our discipline to consistently show up and remain engaged. In order to get the answers we need to understand the math, that involves discipline and perseverance to get it done.

Can Help Build a Growth Mindset: This is especially useful for young minds & students, since they don’t have as much emotional or mental regulation. Our brains naturally react to a roadblock in two ways: find another solution or give up. When math presses us with a similar kind of obstacle, it gives us the option to learn the technique effectively by trying an improved strategy or settle for the wrong answer. Encouraging younger students or those starting out in math to find a new means of solving the problem helps stretch and grow their brain by LEARNING from prior mistakes. If we don’t learn, how can we be expected to do better?

Logical + Quantitative Reasoning: These are two fundamental elements to developing an argument. Providing the logical explanation or function combined with quantitative approaches can establish necessary evidence to prove the validity! Combining these both will cultivate inductive, deductive, even statistical methods. When applied to math, this can aid in analyzing the deeper meanings that the math insinuates.

A Language of Science + Technology: Although Science and Technology are their own innovative fields, math helps to organize and communicate their information. When math is applied to technology, it can help people such as scientists and engineers create systemic and productive practices to transmit useful knowledge. It also helps specify what is necessary to construct the tools and advancements making our daily lives that much easier.

Foundation for MANY fields: Aside from the obvious, math lays a strong infrastructure for many other fields. For instance, math is utilized in cooking, architecture, politics, economics, accounting, finance, mass production, and so many more fields. Jobs in ALL of these fields most likely require a background in math, being that they all use different disciplines within math to find what they’re looking for.

Paves Way for Invention: Obviously humanity would not be where it is without math to help them modify their inventions. With the use of math (and even a growth mindset), we can find new ways to strengthen or improve an idea or physical creation. If you read early Greek works revolving around the understanding of the Universe, they resorted to math to support their philosophical discoveries.

Helps Us Understand The Universe: Yes, math pervades all forms of universal matter. Even quantifiable amounts of sub particles can alter the impact of a singular atom. Things such as sacred geometry, quantum physics, and mathematical structure that explains all things discoverable (and still not discovered) in our Universe.

Encourages Critical Thinking: When it comes to math, critical thinking implies there is a reasonable decision or judgment needed to be made to execute the problem. In other words, the person doing the math must make thought-out decisions given the information and mathematical criteria at hand.


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