September 1, 2018
Best High School Courses to Prepare Your Child for College
This is a guide on how to find and select the best high school courses for your teenager.
High school carries a lot of importance in the educational career of your child. It develops the base of your child’s future. As a student (and parent) you will come across multiple subjects in high school which you might have to go through and struggle with. In high school there are a few limitations and specifications over what you can study. However, our tutors have developed a list of the best high school courses to take.
Get Your Teenager Ready For College – By Choosing The Best High School Courses Available
Your high school courses will directly affect your college admission. For instance, if you want to go to MIT, then you must have a good grip over science and technology, and if you want to go to Harvard Medical School, then you not only need to have good knowledge of the medical subjects (for instance, Biology, Chemistry, Physics) but you also need hands-on experience of processes related to the field.
Expanding Fields Of Study, More Opportunity (But Also, More Tough Choices)
In recent times, high school education has spread out its reach to many fields of study. For instance, in the past people used to have a specific choice over what they will be studying in high school and then at the college level. However, in contemporary times, you have a range of subjects which you can opt from and pursue a career in. These days, there are not many limitations over your future career. The only thing that can hold you back is yourself. And we know from experience: you can learn anything.
What courses to go for? The Following Are The Best High School Courses You Can Select:
Our top tutors have devised a list of subjects which a high school student, who wishes to pursue his educational goals at college and graduate levels, can choose from. This will prove to be a guideline which he can work on and use to follow his career dreams.
Literature is the branch of study which deals with the study of the books and scriptures written by great writers of the past. In the field of literature, you can study subjects which will blow your mind away. The vast knowledge and the contexts of different writers will help you expand your spectrum of thinking. You will grow in rationality and everything will have a reason to you.
Literature is a very good career choice; if your child feels interested then you should allow him to study literature in his high school and help him get admission in a college which has a strong degree program for literature or education.
Literature has many further sub-branches giving you freedom of choice over which particular part of the subject you want to master:
Philosophy deals with the study of work of great philosophers of the past. You learn their writings and develop opinions over their findings. This helps you contemplate and grow in levels of logic.
In the subject of history, you study about cultures, wars, and legends of the past. The field finds huge applications in modern day international relations and similar studies. The subject has huge career growth opportunities if you go on and become a historian or professor.
This field sheds light on different religions of the world allowing you to dig deep and find more about the relation between man and God. It is a mesmerizing field of education if you’re religiously inclined or curious about different faiths and belief structures.
This field of study deals with the study of languages; you learn about their origin and proper use. It is a relatively new field of study, it found huge recognition after the 1950s. Many people chose linguistics to pursue their careers in. This field has amazing career options as you can go on to become expert in computational linguistics, dialect, or socio-linguistics.
Math is regarded as the mother of all knowledge. It is considered to be that field of education which takes us closest to God, The Universe, or a Higher Power. Through its binary system of calculations, we have been able to explore a lot of new horizons in our earth and the worlds beyond.
There are countless branches into which the field of mathematics has been dispersed. However, the three most notable (and important!) ones are:
Algebra is the mathematical study of operations. It involves problems solving ranging from simple equations to complex terms, which has helped mankind evolve and is the foundation for chemistry, physics, and much of modern medicine.
Geometry is the mathematical study of shapes. In the field of geometry, you come across many shapes which exist in the real world around us. This portion of math has vast application in the field of astronomy as it helps you in studying heavenly bodies.
Calculus is the mathematical study of change. It helps us find out gradual changes in different mechanisms. For examples, many scientific and technological studies include the services of calculus to calculate the change associated with the natural phenomenon of our everyday world. Calculus is a requirement of many medical schools (however, not in Oregon!).
If you want to be an engineer, architect, astronaut, technician, doctor, or any similar professional then science is the field of education you should be choosing in high school, college, and beyond.
Science has a very diverse range of fields as it includes many different branches of education: biology, chemistry, and physics are the top three.
If you want to be professional with technical knowledge of different processes, or want to pursue a career in production industry or research sector, then you should study one of the following branches of science.
Biology is the study of living things. It relates to deep-rooted knowledge of animals, plants, their properties, and associated characters. If you want to pursue a career as a doctor then you should study biology and pass it with great grades. Apart from being a doctor, you can become an expert on the subjects of botany or zoology which include detailed studies of plants and animals, respectively.
Chemistry is one of the most interesting and diverse fields of education. It involves the chemistry of all the processes happening around us. You can study organic chemistry, physical chemistry, or one from the many of its sub-branches. A chemistry graduate finds huge demand in the industries, so it is a good career option. It’s best to start learning chemistry in high school. This will give you a solid foundation, preparing you for more advanced study in college.
Physics is the study of natural phenomena happening around us are studied as physics. It is a diverse field of study which finds applications in the study of matter, the study of astronomical bodies, and many more. It is one of the most interesting fields of education which sees novelty at each turn.
If you want your child to have a good career then ask him to study physics in high school, and pursue a specialization in it at the college level, too.
Geology includes deep studies about the earth. You undergo detailed study about the metals and their properties. As a geologist, you can learn how to extract different minerals from the earth, and become an expert in your field.
Social Studies
In the recent times, especially after the Two Great Wars, the study of social sciences emerged to the fore. It includes in-depth knowledge of war, peace, and human rights. When you study social sciences, you not only promise yourself a good career but also become a voice of the underprivileged. Some of the famous sub-fields of social science are discussed below:
International relations
International relations studies the relationship between different countries. It studies the times of conflict and peace. When you study the subject, you become aware of the process through which states interact with each other. It is a very diverse field in itself.
Political Science
Political science helps you learn about the politics of a region and the factors which govern that region. It is an interesting branch of political science with amazing career opportunities in government, journalism, and more.
This branch of social sciences studies human rights and what it means to be human. You can become the CEO of a non-profit, start one yourself, and find another way to help the public. But humanities can also prepare you for a field in Law or Medicine.
The study of law is one of the oldest fields of education in the world. You can become a lawyer, a judge, or a legal adviser to international organizations if you choose to pursue a career in the field of law. (Join your school’s speech and debate team in high school and college!) (Our founder, Eric, debated at Portland State University, The University of Oregon, and Cleveland High School.)
Psychology is the study of human behavior. With the change of time, the human mind undergoes transitions, which is followed by changes in behavior. A psychologist studies mental illness, as well as the activities in life that make us thrive and live meaningful, happy lives (positive psychology). It is a rapidly growing career option as more and more students are getting enrolled in the subject every year.
Foreign Languages
Studying foreign languages is a good career option. As a high school student, you can enroll in a specific language (Spanish is always a great option). Learning a language helps you learn about the culture and people of its place of origin. You can easily get a job in a multinational firm or a government office if you have strong fluency in a foreign language. The two most-spoken languages in the world are:
English is the most spoken language in the world. Deemed as the global language (yep! we’re lucky to speak it), it provides a common medium for nearly everyone in the world to communicate.
Spanish is the second most-spoken language in the world. It is particularly important to Americans because Latin America is so close, and more and more Latinos are coming to live and work in the U.S.
Art means creativity. So, if you feel you have that spark which can push you to become a promising artist, you should continue with studying art in high school. (Research shows art is also good for our brains!) With your skills, you can pursue a successful career as an interior designer, fashion designer, painter, musician, and more!
Sports Sciences
If you child wants to be an athlete then he should go for sports sciences. Sports sciences include an in-depth study of the processes involved with different games which can help you learn about your favorite sport. You can develop your abilities in a particular game and then continue a career as a professional in it. Sports science has a lot of promises to offer to young students these days (as an athlete, marketer, or physical therapist).
Medical Studies
A career in medical sciences is extremely different from those which involve industries. However, the subjects which a student needs to learn during his high school, for a career in medical, aren’t any different from the ones required to study for a career in industry.
An young person who wants to make it to medical college after completing high school should do the following:
- Take four years to study math, science, and psychology.
- Choose a health-related project in school.
- Volunteer at a local health clinic.
- Participate in pre-health enrichment programs.
It is important to have a good firsthand knowledge of the procedures involved in medicine. You’ll need to take time away from your regular studies to volunteer in hospitals and clinics and get a feel and understanding of medical care. This will paradoxically help you earn better grades, assist you during your college interview, and strengthen your interest in the subject.
These are a few of the many subjects which you can choose from during your time in high school. These subjects can all have promising futures. (It’s what you make of the field that counts.)
Other Things To Consider When Looking For The Best High School Courses Around:
Apart from choosing a course in high school, there are other things which affect your college application as much as the choice of your subjects.
- Good Grades: Apart from choosing the proper high school subjects which will promise you a good future, getting good grades in those subjects is often even more important. Since there is a lot of market saturation due to increasing numbers of students every year, only the ones who are the most competitive and have the best grades are considered by the top U.S. colleges.
- Guidance: You should have good knowledge of the subjects which you think inspire you. A great tutor, teacher, or mentor at the high school level is important because at that age students are often not very aware of the pros and cons affiliated with certain subjects. It is better to ask for guidance and help.
Your choice of subject could have diverse effects on your personality and your future, too. So if you want to enjoy a successful future, with a good job which you’d enjoy doing, then you should consider carefully before choosing your subjects in high school.
Add balance to your Personality
A good career choice can add much-needed balance to your personality. If you choose a field of education which suits best your interests then you will be able to perform better in it, both at college and professional levels. It is said that if you love your job then you never work a day in your life. So, if you want to have fun while working, choose the field of study very carefully. Seek counsel from professionals to help you out with the process.
Define your Context
Your career choice helps you develop a context for yourself which will assist you with your professional life.
There are multiple subjects which are being taught at college and university levels. All these subjects have their own significance and application. No particular subject is superior to another, in any context. Each has its own value. It all comes down to you how you see them (and use them!). The ones which you find most interesting and fascinating, you should go on and develop a professional career in them.
As a parent, it is extremely important to give your child the liberty to choose her high school courses. You can assist her choosing the right ones but you should respect her choices also. Allow her to pursue her studies in the subjects which she finds most intriguing and interesting.
It is important to maintain interest in your education. If you love what you’re studying then you will able to perform at your best levels.
Follow our website for more useful information. With the counsel of our experts, you can find out your educational preferences and choose subjects, in high school, which will define your career in near future.
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